Saturday, April 21, 2007


Okay, so War and Peace is going amazingly well. This Tolstoy fella is an absolute genius. Genius, I tell you! I am about 1/2 way through and have pulled muscles in my arms carrying it back and forth to school, but have never regretted chosing this book. What a storyteller. And unlike Infinite Jest, this one is completely accessible...a surprisingly easy, if not long, read.

And my whole "no plastic bag" thing? It has been five weeks since I started my noble experiment and I have not added a single bag to my collection at all. In fact, I have to dig to find appropriate sized bags for my trash. I'm running out! The check-out folks know the drill and it has not been bothersome in the least. It's not much, but I feel good about the effort. It's second-nature now and I hope to continue it at home.

And strangely enough, one of the websites I check regularly just posted a link to this eco-friendly bag place. They're really cute! In fact, I just impulsively bought them to keep up my string when I get back to the States. The good news is that they keep selling out. Down with plastic bags! Buy some cute bags!

Friday, April 6, 2007

Book #5 - "On Beauty"

Ken asked me to read Zadie Smith's "On Beauty" to discuss her writing style. I read it in three days (nothing to do at school all morning) and was into the story. It's a decent read, although don't know if it deserves the praise it has received. Not much to say about this one, except, I still don't think some of these characters are black. (Ken and I have exhausted this conversation.)

Sunday, April 1, 2007

#8 - Visit and Explore Mainland Japan

I did. And it was a blast. Being in Okinawa helps me to appreciate seeing actual Japanese things. I hit various areas of Shimane, including an onsen, a 300-year-old tree, a few temples, plus all the major sights of Kyoto and Hiroshima. I didn't get my fill, though, and am currently planning a solo trip to Tokyo in June!

#43 - Drive on the left side of the road

Ken was kind enough to let me drive his car from the gym to his apartment. Apparently, I was a bit too slow and cautious, but it was a successful journey. It wasn't for long, but still fulfills the goal!