Thursday, September 24, 2009
#95 Splurge on a Nice Dinner
Last month Ken and I went to Trio's in downtown South Bend. It's a jazz bar that we go to often for work, but at night it gets a bit fancier. I wore my Australian dress and Ken wore a blazer. We got beer/wine, brie, scallops, and steak. It was a nice night out but once the check came, we remembered why we prefer to eat in!
posted by Rachel at
4:18 PM
About Me
- Name: Rachel
- Location: Chicago, IL
Remembering voyages past and crossing the continents from the confines of the world's smallest kitchen.
See all Best Picture nominees before the Oscars2.Find a perfect cafe to hang out at3. Go one week without any TV 4.Go to VU Homecoming5.Tell someone exactly how I'm feeling6.Renew an old friendship7. Order an entire meal in a foreign language 8.Visit and explore mainland Japan9.Set up a "cleaning day of the week" and follow it for two months10.Try 15 new foods11.Take advantage of a "last minute" travel weekend12.Eat a Chicago-style hot dog in Chicago13. Make a professional teaching portfolio 14. Make a will 15.Get on a wrinkle-prevention skin care regime16. Learn how to knit 17. Subscribe to each of the following for one year -girly magazine, newspaper,informative magazine18.Watch an entire series of a TV show that is new to me on DVD19.Take a multi-vitamin every day for one month20. Visit five museums 21.Give a presentation22.Try 30 "new to me" recipes23.Buy a good set of knivesand pots/pans24. Try a new hair color 25. Participate in a book club 26. Go kayaking 27.Explore possibility of going back to school and make decision28. Drink 8 glass of water/day for two weeks 29.Splurge on cool electronic "toy"30.See a professional play/musical31.Exfoliate every day for two weeks32. Get all preventative check-ups when insured 33.Have a picnic34. Pick fruit at an apple orchard, strawberry patch, etc. 35.Take Grandpa out for breakfast36. Go to a professional football game 37. Enroll in one college-level course 38.Participate in run/walk for a good cause39.Get my picture taken with Santa40. Send 15 birthday cards, 10 anniversary cards, and 15 random cards 41. Bake a pie with Grandma 42.Make one semi-gourmet meal once a week for two months43.Drive on left side of road44.Read 30 books (of substantial length)45. Organize a fundraiser 46.Take a picture a day for 30 days47. Learn how to change a tire 48.Send three care packages49.Learn how to make a perfect cup of coffee50.Go to a concert51.Buy a queen-size bed52. Go snorkeling three times 53.Make an outstanding, eye-catching teaching resume54. Vote 55. Skinny dip 56.Go to the top of the John Hancock Building57. Visit a market and buy one new food item 58. Do 10 Random Acts of Kindness 59.Buy myself fresh flowers once a week for a month60.Plan a weekend getaway with a girlfriend and go61. Develop a "signature" menu consisting of an appetizer, entree, two sides, and dessert 62. Host a dinner party 63. Attend a wine/cheese tasting party 64.Visit another island in Okinawa65. Get a massage and hot stone therapy treatment 66. Enroll in and go to a yoga class 67.Research and create a financial portfolio to save money for retirement68.Arrange to have money deducted from paycheck for said planning69. Visit three new states 70. Visit Canada 71. Visit one Latin American country 72. Watch 30 movies on AFI's Top 100 List 73.Get a job74.Buy a car75.Go skiing76.Get an apartment77.Go with my dad to a baseball game78. Go with my mom on an overnight adventure 79. Go on a one day road trip with Brooke 80. Go one week without the internet 81. Go to church six weeks in a row 82. Print and frame pictures from trip 83.Send someone flowers84.Feed a baby85. Go on a hike 86.Write a letter to a company87.Complete a NY Times Crossword (beyond the easy level)88.Help a student with a college search/application89. Teach creatively without any textbooks/premade worksheets in all my classes for one week (in US) 90.Visit a winery91. Make a cake from scratch 92.Permanently get stuff out of parent's house and organize it all at new location93. Learn how to sew a button on 94.Burn a yummy-smelling candle every night for one month (as long as I am home)95.Splurge on a very nice restaurant and dress up for evening96. Keep a plant alive for three months 97.Host an old-fashioned slumber party98. Take the GRE 99.Go "Debit-card free" for one month (in US)100.Eat at a restuarant alone five times and not rely on book to look busy101.Donate $2 to charity of choice for every item not completed
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- #12 - Chicago-style Dog in Chicago
- #95 Splurge on a Nice Dinner
- Gazpacho - Another new recipe #23
- #84 - Feed a Baby
- #33 - Have a Picnic
- # 9 - Set Up a Weekly Cleaning Day
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