Tuesday, January 16, 2007

Maybe I should have made this its own number.

For Christmas, Ken "amazoned" (trying to make that into an acceptable verb and Word of the Year next year like "truthiness") me his life-changing book, "Infinite Jest" by David Foster Wallace. I started it on Monday and I would say I am "plugging" throught the 1000 pages+, but in actuality, I don't feel like "plugging" is accurate. In fact, I am loving this book. I spent over one hour yesterday afternoon lost in a 8 page footnote. I absolutely love looking up roots of words and connecting details in my mind. Maybe I should go for that PhD afterall. Lost in a library for hours once again. Sounds like a dream.

Here is my absolute favorite passage so far... found in a footnote. "The figure of Death presides over the front entrance of a carnival sideshow whose spectators watch performers undergo unspeakable degradations so grotesquely compelling that the spectators' eyes become larger and larger until the spectators themselves are transformed into gigantic eyeballs in chairs, while on the other side of the sideshow tent the figure of Life uses a megaphone to invite fairgoers to an exhibition in which, if the fairgoers consent to undergo unspeakable degradations, they can witness ordinary persons gradually turn into gigantic eyeballs."

As the foreword says, this book is "like a spaceship with no recognizable components, no rivets or bolts, no entry points, no way to take it apart. It is very shiny, and it has no discernible flaws. If you could somehow smash it into smaller pieces, there would be certainly no way to put it back together again. It simply is."

Thanks for the gift, Ken.


Blogger Lisa said...

I saw your "Keep a plant alive for three months" goal and thought I'd suggest getting an asparagus fern. I can't keep a plant alive to save my life, but I've managed not to kill this one. (Going on three years now!) I've overwatered it, I've ignored it and not watered it, I've hacked at it with a scissors, everything. I can't kill this plant. It seems to thrive on abuse. And I'm kinda getting attached to it now. (Watch, it will be my love for it that will finally be the end of the poor thing.)

January 18, 2007 at 8:43 PM  
Blogger Rachel said...

Ooh! Thanks so much for the tip! You have given me hope. I'll have to check those out. :)

January 22, 2007 at 1:32 AM  
Blogger P said...

You did well with Steely Dan. Do you remember Steely Dan? Or did you kill him, too?

January 23, 2007 at 6:11 AM  
Blogger Rachel said...

Ah, yes. Steely Dan. He's dead. I don't remember the date of departure, but it wasn't pretty. :( I think that has been my only plant that I've even attempted to keep alive. Hmmm... This might be tricky.

January 23, 2007 at 2:40 PM  

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